Hello, World!
I’m an engineer. It feels good to start a new experience with a ‘Hello, World!’ So, this is my ‘Hello, World!’ in the world of blogging. To be honest it isn’t my first time I start blogging, but as usual it sometimes needs a second try to get started. In this initial post, I want to outline my goals for this blog.
First, let’s cover what this blog is not about.
- I will not write this blog to make money.
- I will not limit my writing to a specific niche or topic.
- I will not address a specific audience.
But why start a blog?
I am starting this blog to learn how to write. I think this is the main reason. I always thought I would like to write more, but never had the motivation to do so. My hope is that by having a blog and maybe later an audience, I can put myself in the position where I see a purpose by writing and then write more.
Another reason is that I want to improve my English skills (yes, I’m not a native speaker, and you probably noticed that before :) ). I think putting myself into a writing habit will help with that a lot, because it forces me to think about my language and how to use it properly.
You might have also heard the saying, ’learning by teaching.’ And that is another aspect. I want to force myself to write down what I learn. I hope this will make me think more deeply about the topics I read, rather than just consuming one book or article after another.
And last but not least I like the idea to share my knowledge, ideas and to a certain degree my life with the rest of the world, not because I believe it is very important for anyone out there, but because I think it might help someone sometime. I believe in its potential to help someone, sometime.
What kind of posts are planned?
So as I said I’m pretty new to blogging, but of course I thought about want I would like to write about and here is the planned content:
- How to’s about everything that I learned. In the beginning that could be for example how to set up a website with Hugo and Tailwind.
- My experiences here in Denmark
- My opinions on technologies, management practices, etc.
So as you can see no fancy stuff but maybe over time I can create a compendium of interesting stuff that might help someone to start new things and if that isn’t the case then it might be at least a good experience for myself to learn how to write.